Teams Markdown


You can add rich text formatting to your cards using either Markdown or HTML, depending on the card type.

Cards support formatting in the text property only, not in the title or subtitle properties. Formatting can be specified using a subset of XML (HTML) formatting, or Markdown depending on card type. For current and future development Adaptive cards using Markdown formatting is recommended.

Formatting support differs between different card types, and rendering of the card can differ slightly between the desktop and the mobile Teams clients, as well as Teams in the desktop browser.

You can include an inline image with any Teams card. Images an be formatted as .png, .jpg, or .gif files and must not exceed 1024 ×1024 px or 1 MB. Animated GIF is not officially supported. SeeCards reference

Formatting cards with Markdown

Teams Markdown Schedule

On iOS, Markdown formatting for connector cards looks like this: Issues: The iOS client for Teams does not render Markdown or HTML inline images in Connector Cards. Blockquotes are rendered as indented but without a gray background. On Android, Markdown formatting for connector cards looks like this: Formatting example for Markdown Connector Cards. HackMD offers a great unified Markdown editor/preview which is familiar and well-suited to our needs. Our meeting records have improved a lot over a short period and as a result we are able to be better accountable to each other as a team. Bryan Van de Ven Co-creator and Project Lead of Bokeh.

There are two card types that support Markdown in Teams:

  • Adaptive cards: Markdown is supported in Adaptive card Textblock field, as well as Fact.Title and Fact.Value. HTML is not supported in Adaptive cards.
  • O365 Connector Cards: Markdown and limited HTML is supported in Office 365 Connector cards in the text fields.

Teams Markdown Code

The supported styles for Textblock, Fact.Title and Fact.Value are:

unordered list
  • text
  • text
- Item 1r- Item 2r- Item 3
ordered list
  1. text
  2. text
1. Greenr2. Oranger3. Blue

The following Markdown tags are not supported:

  • Headers
  • Tables
  • Images
  • Preformatted text
  • Blockquotes


Adaptive cards do not support HTML formatting.

Newlines for Adaptive cards

In lists you can use the r or n escape sequences for newlines. Using nn in a list will cause the next element in the list to be indented. If you need newlines elsewhere in the textblock, use nn.

Mobile and desktop differences for Adaptive cards

Formatting is slightly different between the desktop and the mobile versions of Teams.

On the desktop, Adaptive card Markdown formatting appears like this in both web browsers and in the Teams client application:


On iOS, Adaptive card Markdown formatting appears like this:

Teams Markdown Table

On Android, Adaptive Card Markdown formatting appears like this:

More information on Adaptive cards

Text features in Adaptive cardsThe date and localization features mentioned in this topic are not supported in Teams.

Formatting sample for Adaptive cards

Mention support within Adaptive cards v1.2

Teams Markdown Software

Card based mentions are supported in web, desktop and mobile clients. You can add @ mentions within an adaptive card body for bots and messaging extension responses. To add @ mentions in cards, follow the same notification logic and rendering as that of message based mentions in channel and group chat conversations.

Bots and messaging extensions can include mentions within the card content in TextBlock and FactSet elements.


  • Media elements are currently not supported in Adaptive cards v1.2 on the Teams platform.
  • Channel & Team mentions are not supported in bot messages.

Constructing mentions

To include a mention in an Adaptive Card your app needs to include the following elements:

  • <at>username</at> in the supported Adaptive card elements.
  • The mention object inside of an msteams property in the card content, which includes the Teams user id of the user being mentioned.
  • The userId is unique to your bot ID and a particular user. It can be used to @mention a particular user. The userId can be retrieved using one of the options mentioned in get the user ID.

Sample Adaptive card with a mention

Information masking in Adaptive cards

Use the information masking property to mask specific information, such as password or sensitive information from users within the Adaptive card Input.Text input element.



The feature only supports client side information masking, the masked input text is sent as clear text to the https endpoint address that was specified during bot configuration.


The information masking property is currently available in the developer preview only.

To mask information in Adaptive cards, add the isMasked property to typeInput.Text, and set its value to true.

Sample Adaptive card with masking property

The following image is an example of masking information in Adaptive cards:

Full width Adaptive card

You can use the msteams property to expand the width of an Adaptive card and make use of additional canvas space. For information on how to use the property, see the following example:

Constructing full width cards

To make a full width Adaptive card the width object in msteams property in the card content must be set to Full.In addition, your app must include the following elements:

Sample adaptive card with full width

A full width Adaptive Card appears as follows:

If you have not set the width property to Full, then the default view of the Adaptive Card is as follows:

Teams Markdown Code

Typeahead support

Within the Input.Choiceset schema element, asking users to filter through and select through a sizable number of choices can significantly slow down task completion. Typeahead support within Adaptive cards can simplify input selection by narrowing or filtering the set of input choices as a user is typing the input.

Enable typeahead in Adaptive cards


To enable typeahead within the Input.Choiceset set style to filtered and ensure isMultiSelect is set to false.

Sample adaptive card with typeahead support

Stage view for images in Adaptive Cards


This feature is currently available in developer preview only.

In an Adaptive card, you can use the msteams property to add the ability to display images in stage view selectively. When users hover over the images, they would see an expand icon, for which the allowExpand attribute is set to true. For information on how to use the property, see the following example:

When users hover over the image, an expand icon appears at top right corner of the image:

The image appears in stage view when the user selects the expand button:

In the stage view, users can zoom in and zoom out of the image. You can select which images in your Adaptive card needs to have this capability.


Zoom in and zoom out capability applies only to the image elements (Image type) in an Adaptive card.


For Teams mobile apps, stage view functionality for images in Adaptive Cards are available by default and users will be able to view Adaptive card images in stage view by simply tapping on the image, irrespective of whether the allowExpand attribute is present or not.

Connector cards support limited Markdown and HTML formatting. HTML support is described in the last section.

header (levels 1–3)Text### Text
unordered list
  • text
  • text
- Item 1r- Item 2r- Item 3
ordered list
  1. text
  2. text
1. Greenr2. Oranger3. Blue
preformatted texttextpreformatted text
blockquote>blockquote text>blockquote text
image link![Duck](

Ms Teams Markup

In connector cards, newlines are rendered for nn, but not for n or r.

Mobile and desktop differences for connector cards using Markdown

On the desktop, Markdown formatting for connector cards looks like this:

On iOS, Markdown formatting for connector cards looks like this:


  • The iOS client for Teams does not render Markdown or HTML inline images in Connector Cards.
  • Blockquotes are rendered as indented but without a gray background.

On Android, Markdown formatting for connector cards looks like this:

Formatting example for Markdown Connector Cards

Formatting cards with HTML

Connector cards support limited Markdown and HTML formatting. Markdown is described in the next section.

header (levels 1–3)Text<h3>Text</h3>
unordered list
  • text
  • text
ordered list
  1. text
  2. text
preformatted texttext<pre>text</pre>
hyperlinkBing<a href=''>Bing</a>
image link<img src='' alt='Duck on a rock'></img>

In connector cards, newlines are rendered in HTML using the <p> tag.

Mobile and desktop differences for connector cards using HTML

On the desktop, HTML formatting for connector cards looks like this:

On iOS, HTML formatting looks like this:


  • Inline images are not rendered on iOS using either Markdown or HTML in Connector Cards.
  • Preformatted text is rendered but does not have a gray background.

On Android, HTML formatting looks like this:

Formatting sample for HTML Connector Cards

HTML tags are supported for simple cards such as the hero and thumbnail card. Markdown is not supported.

header (levels 1–3)Text<h3>Text</h3>
unordered list
  • text
  • text
ordered list
  1. text
  2. text
preformatted texttext<pre>text</pre>
hyperlinkBing<a href=''>Bing</a>
image link<img src='' alt='Duck on a rock'></img>

Mobile and desktop differences for simple cards

Because of resolution differences between the desktop and mobile platform, formatting is different between the desktop and the mobile version of Teams.

On the desktop, HTML formatting appears like this:

On iOS, HTML formatting appears like this:


  • Character formatting like bold and italic are not rendered on iOS.

On Android, HTML formatting appears like this:


Character formatting like bold and italic display correctly on Android.

Formatting sample for HTML formatting in simple cards

These screenshots were created using Teams AppStudio, where the text property of a hero card was set to the following string. You can test formatting in your own cards by modifying this code.

<p>bold: <strong>Bold Text</strong></p><p>italic: <em>Italic Text</em></p><p>strikethrough: <strike>Strikethrough text</strike></p><h1>Header 1</h1><h2>Header 2</h2><h3>Header 3</h3><p>bullet list: <ul><li>text</li><li>text</li></ul></p><p>ordered list: <ol><li>text</li><li>text</li></ol></p><pre>preformatted text</pre><blockquote>blockquote text</blockquote></p><p>hyperlink: <a href=''>Bing</a></p><p>embedded image: <img src='' alt='Duck on a rock'></img></p>