Curl To Php


Making HTTP requests is one of the most fundamental tasks that you can perform as a web developer. As such, it's important to know how to do them properly in the language of your choice. Having recently made the jump to PHP, it took me a while to understand how these were done. However, now that I've familiarized myself with it, I thought I'd share other newcomers πŸ€“ how to do HTTP requests in PHP with cURL, a built-in library.

Php curl command
  • The CURL extension to PHP is designed to allow you to use a variety of web resources from within your PHP script. By means of utilizing cURL we are able to send HTTP request utilizing quite a lot of method like GET, POST and we can also be accessing to third party API systems. How to Use PHP CURL?
  • Once you've compiled PHP with cURL support, you can begin using the cURL functions. The basic idea behind the cURL functions is that you initialize a cURL session using the curlinit, then you can set all your options for the transfer via the curlsetopt, then you can execute the session with the curlexec and then you finish off your session using the curlclose.
  • Most programming languages support cURL commands using some libraries or extension. CURL is one of the popular methods to interact with REST API data. PHP use cURL library (module) to provide access curl functions within PHP. By default, most PHP installations come with cURL support is enabled.

What is cURL?

If you've spent some time in the web development sphere, you might have already heard of it. cURL, which stands for client URL, is an open-source command line tool that is used to transfer and receive data using internet protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS and FTP. Created by Daniel Stenberg in 1997, cURL is used in countless devices ranging from cars πŸš— and television sets to tablets and audio equipment. πŸ”‰

So where does PHP come into play? Well, PHP has a module called cURL PHP that allows us to access the functionality offered by this awesome tool. Let me show you next how to use it, 'kay?

Time to get started! πŸ˜‹

1) Open the network tab in DevTools 2) Ctrl-click a request, 'Copy as cURL'. 3) Paste it in the curl command box.

Curl To Php

The Code

In this tutorial, I'll be showing you how to do the 2 most common HTTP request methods: GET and POST. However, regardless of which method you opt for (even PUT and DELETE) , they will all follow the same steps.

  1. Initialize a cURL session
  2. Set the URL and other various options for the session
  3. Execute the request and save the response
  4. Close the session to free up resources

Seems pretty straightforward, right? πŸ˜‰ So how would this look like with code?

Redaction software download for mac. Perhaps with the exception of the options setting (which we'll get into next 😁), everything appears to be quite straightforward. At the end of these 4 steps, you're left with a variable $response that contains the response of our GET request. This may be JSON, a string or a complete HTML page.

Understanding options

Next to error handling, options are where you will be paying attention most of the time. Options are set with the curl_setopt(resource $ch, int $option, mixed $value) function, which takes three parameters: the cURL resource/session, the option and its corresponding value.

So you may be wondering: 'So what kind of options can I set?' πŸ€” Ahem.. maannnnyyyy! Too many to even go through one by one. Fortunately, you will only need a handful for most of your requests:

Curl To Php Converter

  • CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER - Return the response as a string instead of outputting it to the screen
  • CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT - The number of seconds to wait while trying to connect
  • CURLOPT_TIMEOUT - The number of seconds to allow cURL functions to execute
  • CURLOPT_URL - The URL to fetch
  • CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST - Set custom request method such as PUT or DELETE. cURL defaults to GET
  • CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS - An array of the data to send in a request
  • CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER - An array of HTTP header fields to set

A handy trick

Now, it doesn't take a genius πŸ€“ to realize that you'll be repeating curl_setopt() quite a bit if you need to set several options. Of course, the creators were well aware of this and have provided us two ways to cut down on the repetitiveness.

First, instead of setting the URL with curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''), we can pass in the URL immediately when initializing the cURL session, like so: $ch = curl_init('').

Second, we can use curl_setopt_array(resource $ch, array $options) to set multiple options at once. An example would look as follows.

Gotta love clean code! πŸ’»

Receiving the response

As you surely noticed before, curl_exec($ch) is responsible for executing your HTTP request. In addition to that, it will return three different responses depending on the following conditions:

Curl To Php
  • false if the request fails to execute
  • true if the request executes without error and CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER is set to false
  • The result (e.g JSON) if the request executes without error and CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER is set to true

Another useful function at your disposable is curl_getinfo($ch), which returns information about your request, such as the response code or total transaction time.

Error handling

Errors ❌ happen.. there's nothing you can do about it. But at the very least, you should know how to properly handle them with cURL. For this task, we have two functions: curl_error($ch) and curl_errno($ch). If applicable, the former returns the error message, while the latter returns the cURL error code. The most common way to use these two functions is with an if statement.

Curl to php online

POST request

So far, all examples I've been showing you were GET requests. In fact, when no request method is specified, cURL simply defaults to GET. To tell cURL you would like execute a POST method, simply set the CURLOPT_POST Download epic medical software for mac. option to true. However, I prefer to use the option CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST as any method may be specified with it. One less option to remember! 😏

Without further ado, let's see how you would preform a proper POST Where-to-download-old-mac-os-software-from. request, with error and JSON handling.

In this example, we attached a payload to our request. For this, we needed to encode our payload and set the appropriate headers in the options. If you're not familiar with JSON handling in PHP, why not check out my article on this topic (shameless plug πŸ˜…).

The PHP cURL is a library used for making HTTP requests. In order to use PHP cURL, you must have installed and enabled libcurl module for PHP on your system. In this tutorial, you will learn how to POST JSON data with PHP cURL requests. Basically, there are 4 steps involved to complete a cURL request using PHP.

  • curl_init β€” The first step is to initializes a new session of cURL and return a cURL handle to other functions.
  • curl_setopt β€” The second step is to set options for a cURL session handle. All these settings are very well explained at curl_setopt().
  • curl_exec β€” In third step it perform a cURL session based on above options set.
  • curl_close β€” The last step is to close a cURL session initialize by curl_init() and free all resources. Also deleted the cURL handle.

Let’s use the below sample code to create a POST request with PHP cURL.

// A sample PHP Script to POST data using cURL
// Prepare new cURL resource
// Set HTTP Header for POST request
'Content-Type: application/json',
// Submit the POST request

Php Curl Print Raw Request

The main thing is that the request must be a POST request with properly json-encoded data in the body. The headers must properly describe the post body.