W3c Cheatsheet

The W3C Cheat Sheet is an open source toolfreely available for Web developers. It also incorporates data from the WHATWG DOM specification. Please send bugs reports and enhancements suggestions to. Please consider making a donation to support the Cheat Sheet and other. Font Awesome 5 Free's Cheatsheet. After you're set up on the desktop or in code, quickly copy and paste the glyph, name, or unicode value of any icon.

  1. W3 Cheat Sheet
  2. World Wide Web Consortium W3c
  3. W3c Cheatsheet

The structure of the World Wide Web Consortium can be confusing, since thousands of technologists across hundreds of companies participate in hundreds of groups, all with very specific purposes and remits.

There are four broad types of groups that exist within the W3C – interest groups, business groups, community groups and working groups – each of which has a different function.

Over the past six months, since Google made public its plans to phase out third-party cookies by 2020, numerous ad tech companies have joined the W3C for the first time, and they’re still getting their sea legs.

Here’s a quick cheat sheet that breaks down the main differences between the various W3C groups.

Community Groups

Community groups, of which there are 336, are proposed by members of the public and open to anyone who wants to share their ideas for possible future standardization. There’s no cost associated with creating Community Groups, they’re free to join and W3C membership is not required in order to participate.

W3c CheatsheetW3c Cheatsheet

Primarily, Community Groups serve as a forum to encourage structured debate, and most of the groups are focused on very specific topics, such as creating better data interoperability in the auto industry or creating a unified model for data visualization. These groups do not produce standards or other formal documents.

Business Groups

W3 Cheat Sheet

Business Groups are similar to Community Groups, but participants, which are mainly companies represented by technologists, have to pay to join. It’s a place for these companies to share ideas, provide input on proposed standards and learn about how W3C technologies can be applied to commercial or business problems.

One example of a Business Group of note for the ad tech community is the Improving Web Advertising Business Group. This is the group that Google directed ad tech companies to join in January as a venue for providing feedback on and contributing to Chrome’s Privacy Sandbox proposals.

Interest Groups

The primary goal of an Interest Group is to bring together people who wish to evaluate potential web technologies and proposals. It’s a place to exchange ideas. These groups do not publish their own recommendations.

The creation of Interest Groups needs to be voted on by W3C membership and by the consortium’s Advisory Committee. One such group currently undergoing that process is the proposed Decentralized Web Interest Group, whose aim would be to help suss out the unintended consequences of potential web standards before they’re actually developed and deployed.

Working Groups

Working groups are where, well, the work gets done, and they’re integral to the W3C process for developing web standards.

They typically produce deliverables, such as standards track technical reports, software and test suites. Members also review the deliverables and documents created by other groups.

W3c Cheatsheet

How a bill becomes a law

But how does a standard actually come into being through this labyrinthian structure?

W3c Cheatsheet

The W3C is a consensus-building body whose purpose is to get stakeholders and competitors together in the same room to, hopefully, work together and compromise on common standards for the web. Click here for a more detailed description of the process. G hub logitech download.

So the W3C can’t and won’t prevent a browser company or any other company from deploying a piece of technology. Adobe cc cleaner tool download mac.

Anyone can propose an idea, from the biggest browser vendor to the smallest startup, that is circulated and discussed via GitHub, mailing lists or even face to face (when people used to do that sort of thing).

The idea is then fleshed out into a working draft of a spec that’s distributed and debated across the various W3C groups. The draft is honed and revised and comments come in until it’s polished and ready to become what’s known as a candidate recommendation.


World Wide Web Consortium W3c

Browsers actively test candidate recommendation specs and provide feedback on how they’re working. This is followed by another comment period.

After addressing any issues, the spec is ready to become a proposed recommendation which is sent to the W3C Advisory Committee for review. If it’s approved, then there you have it folks: A usable web standard is born.

W3c Cheatsheet

But it’s a time-consuming and highly-structured process. You can’t skip any steps. So, when’s that Chrome third-party cookie deadline again?

<!--..-->Defines a comment
<!DOCTYPE>Defines the document type
<a>Defines a hyperlink
<abbr>Defines an abbreviation or an acronym
<acronym>Not supported in HTML5. Use <abbr> instead.
Defines an acronym
<address>Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document
<applet>Not supported in HTML5. Use <embed> or <object> instead.
Defines an embedded applet
<area>Defines an area inside an image map
<article>Defines an article
<aside>Defines content aside from the page content
<audio>Defines embedded sound content
<b>Defines bold text
<base>Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document
<basefont>Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
Specifies a default color, size, and font for all text in a document
<bdi>Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it
<bdo>Overrides the current text direction
<big>Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
Defines big text
<blockquote>Defines a section that is quoted from another source
<body>Defines the document's body
<br>Defines a single line break
<button>Defines a clickable button
<canvas>Used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript)
<caption>Defines a table caption
<center>Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
Defines centered text
<cite>Defines the title of a work
<code>Defines a piece of computer code
<col>Specifies column properties for each column within a <colgroup> element
<colgroup>Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting
<data>Adds a machine-readable translation of a given content
<datalist>Specifies a list of pre-defined options for input controls
<dd>Defines a description/value of a term in a description list
<del>Defines text that has been deleted from a document
<details>Defines additional details that the user can view or hide
<dfn>Specifies a term that is going to be defined within the content
<dialog>Defines a dialog box or window
<dir>Not supported in HTML5. Use <ul> instead.
Defines a directory list
<div>Defines a section in a document
<dl>Defines a description list
<dt>Defines a term/name in a description list
<em>Defines emphasized text
<embed>Defines a container for an external application
<fieldset>Groups related elements in a form
<figcaption>Defines a caption for a <figure> element
<figure>Specifies self-contained content
<font>Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
Defines font, color, and size for text
<footer>Defines a footer for a document or section
<form>Defines an HTML form for user input
<frame>Not supported in HTML5.
Defines a window (a frame) in a frameset
<frameset>Not supported in HTML5.
Defines a set of frames
<h1> to <h6> Defines HTML headings
<head>Contains metadata/information for the document
<header>Defines a header for a document or section
<hr> Defines a thematic change in the content
<html>Defines the root of an HTML document
<i>Defines a part of text in an alternate voice or mood
<iframe>Defines an inline frame
<img>Defines an image
<input>Defines an input control
<ins>Defines a text that has been inserted into a document
<kbd>Defines keyboard input
<label>Defines a label for an <input> element
<legend>Defines a caption for a <fieldset> element
<li>Defines a list item
<link>Defines the relationship between a document and an external resource (most used to link to style sheets)
<main>Specifies the main content of a document
<map>Defines an image map
<mark>Defines marked/highlighted text
<meta>Defines metadata about an HTML document
<meter>Defines a scalar measurement within a known range (a gauge)
<nav>Defines navigation links
<noframes>Not supported in HTML5.
Defines an alternate content for users that do not support frames
<noscript>Defines an alternate content for users that do not support client-side scripts
<object>Defines a container for an external application
<ol>Defines an ordered list
<optgroup>Defines a group of related options in a drop-down list
<option>Defines an option in a drop-down list
<output>Defines the result of a calculation
<p>Defines a paragraph
<param>Defines a parameter for an object
<picture>Defines a container for multiple image resources
<pre>Defines preformatted text
<progress>Represents the progress of a task
<q>Defines a short quotation
<rp>Defines what to show in browsers that do not support ruby annotations
<rt>Defines an explanation/pronunciation of characters (for East Asian typography)
<ruby>Defines a ruby annotation (for East Asian typography)
<s>Defines text that is no longer correct
<samp>Defines sample output from a computer program
<script>Defines a client-side script
<section>Defines a section in a document
<select>Defines a drop-down list
<small>Defines smaller text
<source>Defines multiple media resources for media elements (<video> and <audio>)
<span>Defines a section in a document
<strike>Not supported in HTML5. Use <del> or <s> instead.
Defines strikethrough text
<strong>Defines important text
<style>Defines style information for a document
<sub>Defines subscripted text
<summary>Defines a visible heading for a <details> element
<sup>Defines superscripted text
<svg>Defines a container for SVG graphics
<table>Defines a table
<tbody>Groups the body content in a table
<td>Defines a cell in a table
<template>Defines a container for content that should be hidden when the page loads
<textarea>Defines a multiline input control (text area)
<tfoot>Groups the footer content in a table
<th>Defines a header cell in a table
<thead>Groups the header content in a table
<time>Defines a specific time (or datetime)
<title>Defines a title for the document
<tr>Defines a row in a table
<track>Defines text tracks for media elements (<video> and <audio>)
<tt>Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
Defines teletype text
<u>Defines some text that is unarticulated and styled differently from normal text
<ul>Defines an unordered list
<var>Defines a variable
<video>Defines embedded video content
<wbr>Defines a possible line-break