
(evil, extraplanar, kyton, lawful)
CR 5
Environment Any (Plane of Shadow)
Source: Beyond the Doomsday Door, pg(s). 86

Shadow Traveler (Ex) When an ostiarius uses Plane Shift To travel to the Plane of Shadow, it arrives at its intended destination with complete accuracy. When an ostiarius uses Shadow Walk, it moves at 100 miles per hour. Unnerving Gaze (Ex) A Creature that succumbs to an ostiarius's unnerving gaze becomes sickened for 1d4 rounds. Romanus and Barula St. Romanus Aybara St. Romanus of Condat St. Romanus of Le Mans St. Romanus of Nepi St. Romanus of Rouen St. Romanus of Subiaco St. Romanus Ostiarius St. Romanus the Melodist St. Romulus of Genoa St. Romulus and Companions St.


Ostiarius Kyton

Adobe muse cc free download with crack mac. Ostiarius Add friend. Contributed 1,819 Images 10,445 Joined on November 30, 2014; Releases. Pending 3,267 Releases Rated 8. From ostiarius, Latin ostium, a door.) Porter denoted among the Romans the slave whose duty it was to guard the entrance of the house. In the Roman period all houses of the better class had an ostiarius, or ostiary, whose duties were considered very inferior.

Best site to download mac software reddit. Ostiariuses are a race of velstracs from the Plane of Shadow who act as gatekeepers between the Material Plane and the Shadow Plane; and act as emissaries for the velstracs in general.[1]

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  1. James Jacobs, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, and Jerome Virnich. (2012). Bestiary. Beyond the Doomsday Door, p. 86. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-474-0
Species of Velstrac
  • Ostiarius
  • Associated creature: Velstrac-spawn
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Clearly someone (okay, it's wesschnieder) knows theirobscure Catholicism.Ten bucks saysthere’s also a pun in there (the Latin “ostium” for door not being far from theGreek “osteo” for bone).
So ostiariuses are the kyton race’s gatekeepers. But more accurately,they are gate tenders—doormen to themultiverse’s creepiest BDSM club (risk and kink, yes; aware and consensual,definitely not), carnival whisperers rather than barkers, touts whose job it isto set the hook, dangle it, and see who (ceno)bites.
Ostiariuses also fulfill a utilitarian role in the metagame, asthey are low-level monsters that usefully explain how kytons and other servantsof Shadow are able to so easily move between the Material and ShadowPlanes.But this has interesting implicationsat the story level as well.Ostiariuseswho travel about might be the means sought by PCs questing for a plane shift at low levels.Ostiariuses who tend stable portals are likelyto figure heavily in the lore as well, becoming landmarks unto themselves.In a low-magic campaign, an ostiarius mightbe one of the only outsiders a party ever meets—a dark, seductive figurehinting at whole other realities lying just out of reach…or worse yet, justwithin.
The war college ofthe Legion of Might has a particularly demanding and seductive professor ofrhetoric: an ostiarius who came to seduce the third head of the Legion…andhaving succeeded, never left.His “salary”is whichever students fall under his sway—never more than three a semester—whoare subsequently deemed washouts.Adventurerstrying to infiltrate the war college will find him a sympathetic ear and aninvaluable source of magical assistance…but the prices he charges for hisservices begin at a pound of flesh and grow ever steeper.
The ostiarius Morieltends a Shadow gate in an unusual place: Heaven itself.Pallas is an archon-held garrison city nearwhere the Second Heaven gives way to the lawful neutrality ofAgria-Thrace.Moriel’s charge is a diskof roiling black energy under an arch in the shadow of the basilica there.The archons would exile or execute Moriel ifthey could, but as long as the faith of Rageth the Self-Flagellator is popularamong Pallas’s angels, they may not move against him.

Ostiarius Definition

Invited to the SpringFete as an ambassador from the Plane of Shadow, an ostiarius begins totwist the royal garden party to his ends.After subtly using his spell-like abilities to throw the festivities intoconfusion, he makes his way to the hedge maze to enthrall the princess and persuade her to plane shift away with him.Musketeer adventurers hoping to rescue her must navigate the maze andcontend with startled guests, dangerous living topiaries, and the kyton’s fetchling,augur, and lampadarius footmen.
Pathfinder AdventurePath #64 86–87 & PathfinderBestiary 4 176
The full entry in PAP#64: Beyond the Doomsday Door has an extended section exploring ostiarius rhetoric and skill at persuasion you’ll want to check it if you dig role-playingthese outsiders.
On another note, Magicof Faerûn had a fey take on gatekeepers: a Huge fey known as the crossroadsguardian.
I’m sure one of you is now going to tell me which Hellraiser franchise cenobite inspiredthe ostiarius.Since I’m never going to watch those movies ever, I’ll take your word for it.
I’m really psyched at how this radio show turned out (asidefrom the fact that the stream ripper kicked on a minute late).Songs for Father’s Day—including, yes, acertain Martha Wainwright song—Teen Men, new Indigo Girls, classic Belly, adash of reggae, and more. Stream anddownload it here!

Ostiarius Latin Meaning

(Link good till Monday, 6/29, atmidnight.If the feed skips, Save As anmp3 and enjoy in iTunes.)